Care4Carers is a collaborative Erasmus+ project that brings together 7 competent partners from 7 different countries. Together we want to empower family carers and provide sustainable solutions for the issues of reconciling care and work.

SOSU Ostjylland
SOSU Ostjylland is a public vocational educational institution (VET) in Denmark. It provides basic educations (EQF level 3 and 4) in the field of social and health care for elderly in home care and care homes, hospitals and psychiatry, childcare and service assistants at hospitals.
Furthermore it provides supplementary training courses for staff in the abovementioned areas (C-VET). SOSU has about 170 fulltime employees, 1200 fulltime students, 2000 professionals taking part in our in-service training/refresher courses.
The majority of students are girls/females. SOSU staff and students are taking part in international mobilities. The college has its own multimedia production unit.

KMOP is a leading NGO with over 45 years of experience building people’s resilience, combatting inequalities in opportunity, and supporting inclusive and sustainable growth! Apart from the direct provision of social protection services, the organisation is active in education, research, and development of know-how on social policy issues. KMOP has successfully delivered more than 300 national and EU projects (e.g. Horizon, Erasmus+, JUST, REC, CERV, ISFP, AMIF, EuropeAid, EEA etc.)

Center for Social Innovation (CSI)
Center for Social Innovation (CSI) is a Research and Development organization, which focuses on fostering social innovation that can bring about a positive change to local, national, regional, and global entities. These entities include but are not limited to governments, local administrative agencies, non-for-profit agencies, commercial entities, and educational institutions. The CSI team is composed of open-minded, fully equipped researchers, entrepreneurs, project managers, trainers, and Information Technology specialists. CSI encompasses the capability and capacity to identify social needs, design and implement adjusted initiatives, and provide for sustainable growth. The CSI team’s areas of expertise are in the fields of traditional education and e-learning, entrepreneurship, start-ups, innovation, creativity, negotiations, IP advisory services, social responsibility, business advisory solutions, data analytics, information technologies, project management, project evaluation services, product validation, training and computer gaming. CSI draws know-how and skills from its wide global network, which includes academic institutions, IT companies, public services, international organizations, start-ups, and public service

Bildung und Projekt Netzwerk (BUPNET)
Bildung und Project Netzwerk (BUPNET) is an Adult Education provider with extensive experience in supporting adult learners from all sectors in Germany. Established in 1985 as a provider of adult education in the fields of project management, vocational training and counselling, BUPNET has a strong multi-disciplinary team which develops and implements innovative training and consultancy projects locally, nationally and across Europe. With a strong commitment to supporting continuing Professional Education, they have helped many thousands of people to successfully meet the demands of a constantly changing world of work.

ENAIP Veneto
ENAIP Veneto is a social enterprise operating in the vocational training and was founded in 1951. Providing its services to about 4,500 pupils and 2,200 adults every year, it is one of the main organisations operating in the VET sector in Italy, both at a regional and national level. With its 18 training centres and 320 permanent employees, ENAIP Veneto I.S.’s mission is to enhance professional development and social integration through work, the growth of local economies and labour organizations. Together with ENAIP Piemonte, ENAIP Lombardia, ENAIP Friuli Venezia Giulia and ENAIP Nazionale, ENAIP Veneto is also part of ENAIP NET, a consortium dealing with the development of national and transnational cooperation, innovation, research and improvement of good practices in the vocational training sector.
Internationally, it is an active member of a number of consortiums and partnerships, fostering the implementation of international development programmes, advocating further cooperation in the VET field and sharing its skills and expertise.

CATRO Bulgaria
CATRO Bulgaria is part of the leading Austrian consultancy group – CATRO Personalberatung and dieBerater®, providing cutting-edge know-how in all areas related to human resources management and development. Since 2010, CATRO has been supporting its clients in Bulgaria – recruiting new talents, developing employees’ potential, providing HR consultancy in areas such as Leadership Development, Performance Management, Change Management, and Coaching. A crucial part of its mission is to develop and implement corporate socially responsible projects through which CATRO builds a bridge between different socially disadvantaged groups and the corporate sector, opening a space for identifying opportunities for sustainable partnerships.

die Berater
die Berater Unternehmensberatungs GmbH focuses on adult education vocational training and human resources development. It provides comprehensive know-how with regard to all aspects of Human Resource Management, from recruiting, HR counselling and coaching to education and training or staff satisfaction surveys, outplacement and temporary staffing.
bridges to Europe is the joint platform of the EU project activities of die Berater®. In the past years, die Berater have participated in different roles – coordinator, partner, sub-contractor – in 160 EU-funded projects with more than 800 partner organisations from 45 countries. On the basis of this wide experience with many EU funding programmes it offers consulting in funding, project- and media- support.